Thursday, October 23, 2008

Media Ad - What am I doing on a Bus Shelter!?

Right here on Viewmount!
Didn't know my shoes were so awesome.
-Justin C.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Web 2.0

1. What expectations does the concept of web 2.0 set?
The expectations that the concept of web 2.0 sets are easy accessibility and vital information. It allows us to access nearly every website in mere seconds, without charging us a cent (that's where our parents come in handy!)

2. Who owns the message?
No one really owns “the message”, per se. It's like saying “Who owns opinions?” It sounds silly because it is; you can't label a certain thing and call it your own. You can share the message, but it's possible for other people to have the same opinion as you.

3. How can marketers use this to their advantage?
Marketers can use this to their advantage by putting forth their own opinions, no matter how blunt they are. They don't feel the need to be polite and censored because it's their opinion; it's not wrong or right, it just is. Sure, it might be a bit harsh and crude at times, but you can't really go up to them and say “I don't like your ad. It's mean.” For starters, they won't really care what you think, and also they have the right to give their own opinion.

4. Are “masses” better than “experts”?
It depends. Usually, masses aren't very accurate with their information, and post whatever they feel is right (which is wrong). Experts have more experience in that certain field, hence the term 'expert'. However, masses could have a really good opinion that actually makes sense and is relevant to the topic, whereas experts could base their opinion on baseless facts that were published in a very famous book, in which case their opinion 'has to be right'. It really depends on the way you look at it.

5. Using the website name and describe one website that you feel our class would benefit from using. Stickified is a service that will allow you to create images of sticky notes, that you can write on, and then update the writing. This is useful for emails, blog posts and forum posts, because it allows you to create a space that is updatable. This means that if you forget to include something in an email, or need to update the first post in a forum then you can simply login to your control panel and update the message on the sticky note. This would be useful in our class for test and assignment reminders.

Media Awareness Ad

Leena & Kim's Media Awareness Ad

Web 2.0

Web 2.0

1. Web 2.0 sets the expectations that the web is available to everybody. An average person is able to create and upload content to the web. Everything is organized and easy to understand. You no longer need to know how to read HTML and other computer codes. You simply log on and find what you're looking for.

2. On the internet, no one person owns the message. On Web 2.0, it is so easy to upload and post content to the internet that practically everybody can do it. Because of this, it is physically possible for anyone to get their message out.

3. Many people are uploading content to video, picture and blog sites. Some of these people get thousands of hits per day. Marketers can post ads on these sites and get their product or idea out to thousands of people.

4. Masses are better for expressing opinions while experts are better for facts. For example, by reading comments posted on pictures, videos and blogs, one can determine the different opinions of a number of people. However, the comments could not be considered facts. is a website for uploading videos to. It is like youtube except it is not blocked. It could have different commercials and videos that could be relevant to our class.

Tyler And Paige's Media Ad

Sarah & Anessa Ad

Media Education Week Poster

Stop Stereotyping

TAG body spray

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Double-u Eeh Bee two point oh.

1. Web 2.0 sets the expectations the Internet can be used for anything. Such that, anyone can post a blog, or create a website with ease. This expectation means that we can communicate with people from Africa, or that people in Alaska can communicate with those in Africa. Web 2.0 creates a connection for everyone to everything, with ease. The fact that everyone can post anything makes us think about if what we read is true, or just someone’s opinion... and should you trust this person’s opinion?

2. In my opinion I don’t think the message is owned by anyone, but yet it is shared. Those who posted must have known in some sense that by posting their information or ideas for all to see that it was never going to be “theirs” again, but yet everyone’s to use when they want. The message is a contribution of many people’s thoughts, meaning everyone maybe has a little piece of it…

3. Marketers can use this to their advantage because it helps get further inside people’s minds, by knowing their opinions they post, or who’s opinions they want to subscribe to. It shows how people’s minds can be corrupted because of how we know longer want to think for ourselves but instead would rather be told it. As well as letting us decided what’s right and what’s wrong, but who are we judge these things, when we don’t really know anything about it?

4. No, masses are not better than experts. An expert defined as, a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field, meaning someone who is an expert in science would have a more factual web page than someone who decided that they were going to make a science web page for fun. Experts have perfected their craft and therefore are way more trusted, and have that right to be trusted, they studied, we haven’t, we have no justification to say we know everything about biomechanics.
5. The website that I found is called Instacalc, it is an online calculator. Faster than excel and easier than a calculator, as the answers appear as you type. This calculator can be embedded into your website or link it in your blog, as well as browsing through the different types of calculators. The various types of calculators that it features are: BMI, Unit conversion, Home Loan, Salary, Programming, Website earnings, Website bandwidth, YouTube analysis, video game prices, country populations, zune vs ipod and more. Our class would benefit from using this because it would help you formulate answers faster while doing math homework, or even science, with ease. Also the fact that just by clicking you can change what it is calculating, and it would certainly help you be much faster while calculating.

Web 2.0

1. The expectation for the concept of Web 2.0 provides easy access to anyone who has Internet. This new concept allows anyone to use to web – not just specialists. It is quick and simple to use. People can access almost everything they please and can create their own sites which others would also be free to browse due to the simple formatting; instead of the old complicated ways of the web.

2. The message of the web would be owned by the person who created their site. Meaning, the possible host/administrator of the website, or whom posted the information or created the site.

3. Marketers can use this greatly to their advantage. Since everything is easily accessible, marketers can sponsor certain popular sites to get their advertisement or message onto that site. That way, whoever spots that certain site may see the advertisement or message as well.

4. Masses can be better than experts, and vice versa. Experts can help the web be more controlled and insure safe and secure information. Although, the downfall of that would be a less easy accessible, quick and free internet. People would be limited on what they want, and with experts controlling the web, the mass majority of people may not be as interested in the web. People go on the internet to seek freedom – not to be controlled once again by someone beyond them.

5. is a website that students could be able to use if they wish to email larger files to themselves. This would be helpful because Hotmail and many other email hosts limit you to a certain amount of memory that could be uploaded. With, students can send large files to themselves more easily from school to home, or just among friends.

Friday, October 17, 2008

What expectations does the concept of web 2.0 set?
It sets the expectations for entertainment, interactivity and easy accessibility.

Who owns the message?
The viewers own the message because they are the ones commenting and deciding what they like and don't like to hear.

How can marketers use this to their advantage?
Marketers can use this to their advantage because they use the website to advertise products to that particular fan base-which could be thousands of people.

Are “masses” better than “experts”
I do not believe that masses are better than experts. Masses don't know as much as experts, and can make any fact up just as long as they all agree. It would be better to know the correct facts than to make up your own facts and really know nothing.

Using the website name and describe one website that you feel our class would benefit from using. Advanced Online Collaboration Octopz is a online service that facilitates online collaboration, in either synchronous or asynchronous environments through the use of digital media, web conferencing, VoIP and content management technologies.

web 2.0

Web 2.0

1. The web 2.0 is expected to allow many people to do many things. It is expected to be able to be used by everybody, and everybody is expected to use its information and add some of there own. The web 2.0 is expected to be easier to understand so, the web will no longer be used only by geeks with web codes but, it can be used by anyone and everyone.

2. The web 2.0 is not owned by one single person but it is shared by everyone. Every single person who has access to the web can obtain "The Message" or they can create there own message. So no one owns the message, but everyone owns the message. The message is shared.

3. Since everyone is viewing and distributing "The Message" and all the people are coming to one source [the web] to view "The Message", marketers can place there ads near or with "The Message". This practically ensures that your voice [or your ad] will be heard and since it is the marketers job to get people to see [or hear] there ads, "The Message" is the perfect place to put there ads. Marketers are going crazy over "The Message".

4. Masses and experts are both good and neither one is better then the other. It depends on what you are looking for. If you are writing an opinion essay or you just want to see the opinions of other people on certain subject then masses are better because there are more people who argue opinion rather then facts. On the other hand, you can use an expert if you need to find fact and knowledge that is proven. Experts can be very helpful for school reports. So, are masses or experts better? That all depends on what you are looking for.

5. is a person search engine. It can be used to find virtually anyone in the world. The website asks for you to type in a name, then it looks for the name in many different websites and lets you choose from the best resources from these different websites. The websites that it searches are :,,,,, , , and This website would be perfect for looking up famous people, relatives, classmates and friends. I can also be used to find out information on people for etc. class reports or personal gain.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Web 2.0

What expectations does the concept of web 2.0 set?
The expectations are that web 2.0 provides quick and easy access to our needs in the web world. Its expected to make things easier for us, allowing us to use the web as we please. Its also expected to allow us to edit the web as we please, not always the best thing to do, but for things like personal websites and blogs, instead of complicated html coding, now its just point and click.

Who owns the message?
People would say the message is owned by the person responsible for posting the message, but ultimately the true ownership goes to the website hosts, the administrative authority that is displaying your message on its site. Different people have different opinions on the matter though, so there is no definite answer to this question.

How can marketers use this to their advantage?
Marketers can use web 2.0 to advertise their products. If a site is popular, they will pay the site owner to host their advertisements on the site. This way, the people that use the site are exposed to the ads.

Are “massses” better than “experts”
I don't believe that just because the majority believes in one thing, it makes it right. Masses are not better than experts, especially in the case of web. Sites like wikipedia are never safe for information, where as official sites about one particular subject edited by an expert are much more useful. Besides, without the experts you wouldn't have web 2.0 anyways, so give the experts some credit.

Using the website name and describe one website that you feel our class would benefit from using.
I know we're only supposed to do one, but I found a couple. is a social networking community that lets you easy access to blogging, photo sharing, forums and broadcasting. So instead of having to use five different sites for our media studies purposes, we could just use one. is an online service that lets you create your media in the easiest way possible. Theres also an express way to build your presentation with content from RSS feeds. Real easy point and click access. is an online storage service for all your files. Back up your files or just store them, and access your data anywhere. Probably my favourite site yet. Did I mention its free?

Ad made by: Shelby Raana and Haley

Questions: Web 2.0

1. What expectations does the concept of web 2.0 set?

The expectations web 2.0 sets is that more issuers can make and update their own professional slide shows to educate or get a point to more people.

2. Who owns the message?

Users who create slide shows or power using Most of these users may or may not be skilled in creating presentations of their own.

3. How can marketers use this to their advantage?

Marketers could post reports or ads in their presentations to convince their target market to buy the product they are selling.

4. Are “massses” better than “experts”

On this web site one person creates a show that would be their opinion only. Therefore if an expert was to make a show giving information about trees, other people cannot use the site to alter the slide or entire show.

5. Using the website name and describe one website that you feel our class would benefit from using.

Is web site to create and share power point shows and create your own online to share with other fellow computer users. Mr houghes could post all his slide shows on the site, and the rest of the class could remotly acess them for later viewing.

Web 2.0

Questions: Web 2.0

1. The expectation that web 2.0 set is to entertain whomever visits their site. They want the user to receive quick and easy access to whatever it may be that they are looking for. Web 2.0 also allows website owners to obtain more active users searching on their websites, which means higher success rates and popularity for their site.

2. The company that runs the site is the company that owns it , although many different websites are allowed to post and share their links onto Web 2.0, they do not own the website nor are they responsible for what appears on the website.

3. Marketers can use a website like Web 2.0 to their advantage since it's a website that is used to search anything from blogging to travelling, it is used by a wide variety of people. This lets marketers advertise and have their own personal message viewed by a range of people that perhaps wouldn't previously of seen their advertisement.

4. I don't believe that masses are better than experts because I don't agree with saying that just because the majority of people say something is one way, that it is necessarily the right way. I believe that we have experts out there who have studied and who have a background of knowledge on certain topics for a reason. Simply stating something that the majority agrees to doesn't make it right, that's why I know that experts must overrule what the masses say when it comes to important topics.
5. On the website, under the tag “Photo” I found a website called Pic Juice. Pic Juice is an online photo editor which allows you to crop, resize, rotate and flip your pictures. This website would be beneficial to our class since we've just began playing around with photos, this would definitely help us.

Web 2.0 questions

What expectations does the concept of web 2.0 set?
The concept sets the expectation of immediate entertainment, sometimes even allowing users to pick and choose what catches their attention based on what they have subscribed to. It sets the expectation of convenience as the website makes communication easier, and allows people to market to a larger audience.
Who owns the message?
For the most part, the message is still owned by the company that runs and administrates the site. However, it is made up of the opinions and creations of anyone else.
How can marketers use this to their advantage?
Marketers can use this to their advantage, because if the site receives a lot of hits, they can run advertisements in order to get their product exposure.
Are “masses” better than “experts”?
I believe that just because the majority of people agree on something, it does not automatically become fact. Experts must know something or else they wouldn't qualify to be experts in the subject.
Using the website name and describe one website that you feel our class would benefit from using. is an online image editor that is free and easy to use, with many different options. This is beneficial for our class b.
ecause we often post pictures on our classroom blog and this website provides us another option for resizing and editing our pictures and advertisements.

Web 2.0

1)Using web 2.0 means that the user has to be more interactive with their computer. Many popular websites are based on information that the users have put in. We can't just sit back and read, we have to interact with the internet as well as have a fairly good understanding of how to use it.

2)The messages that we see on the internet are owned by many different people. They could be owned by the website owner, or they could be owned by the user. (ex: on blogs, facebook, or myspace, the user is the one who has put up the information.)

3)Because there is so much personal information availiable on the internet, advertisers could easily use this to help their sales. Just by reading someone's blog, you can tell a lot about them. You get an idea of their interests, their likes, dislikes and hobbies. The internet can give us a good look into many people's everyday lives.

4) I think that in wikipedia's case, experts are better than masses. Just because lots of people agree that something sounds right doesn't mean it's true. It would be nice if we could be positive that the things we look up on the internet are always true.

5) would be helpful to our class because it could be like an agenda. Instead of writing dates of important things down and then probably forgetting to read them until it's too late, this website will let you enter important events and then they will send you a text message or a voice message at a predetermined time to remind you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Web 2.0

What expectations does the concept of web 2.0 set?
The expectation that web 2.0 sets is easy and quick access to sites on many different categories. For example, Music, Photography, Movies, etc...

Who owns the message?
The company that owns Web 2.0 owns the site. Though it is true that other sites can post links and information to and about their site here, the company still owns the site.

How can marketers use this to their advantage?
Marketers can use this to their advantage because if someone is looking for something specific, they will check web 2.0. Having your site featured here raises the opportunity of more people seeing it. Also, if someone has a new site starting up, web 2.0 is a great place where they can get people to find out about the site.

Are “masses” better than “experts”
I do not believe that masses are better than experts. There are many topics that a majority of people might think they know a lot about, but only the experts on this subject can be certain. A great example of why masses are not better than experts is the website Wikipedia. You can post absolutely anything, and if enough people agree with you, it can become a fact on there that other people will read and believe. The truth is, it may not even be true. This is a big reason why you must be smart and extremely cautious when using the internet for research.

Using the website name and describe one website that you feel our class would benefit from using.
A site that I feel would benefit our class is one that I found under "bookmarking" It is called "Zeadoo". If you are at home, and you find a link to an image, or video that you would like to share with the class, you can just post it on your account there and easily share it with the class the next day.