Thursday, October 16, 2008

Web 2.0

What expectations does the concept of web 2.0 set?
The expectations are that web 2.0 provides quick and easy access to our needs in the web world. Its expected to make things easier for us, allowing us to use the web as we please. Its also expected to allow us to edit the web as we please, not always the best thing to do, but for things like personal websites and blogs, instead of complicated html coding, now its just point and click.

Who owns the message?
People would say the message is owned by the person responsible for posting the message, but ultimately the true ownership goes to the website hosts, the administrative authority that is displaying your message on its site. Different people have different opinions on the matter though, so there is no definite answer to this question.

How can marketers use this to their advantage?
Marketers can use web 2.0 to advertise their products. If a site is popular, they will pay the site owner to host their advertisements on the site. This way, the people that use the site are exposed to the ads.

Are “massses” better than “experts”
I don't believe that just because the majority believes in one thing, it makes it right. Masses are not better than experts, especially in the case of web. Sites like wikipedia are never safe for information, where as official sites about one particular subject edited by an expert are much more useful. Besides, without the experts you wouldn't have web 2.0 anyways, so give the experts some credit.

Using the website name and describe one website that you feel our class would benefit from using.
I know we're only supposed to do one, but I found a couple. is a social networking community that lets you easy access to blogging, photo sharing, forums and broadcasting. So instead of having to use five different sites for our media studies purposes, we could just use one. is an online service that lets you create your media in the easiest way possible. Theres also an express way to build your presentation with content from RSS feeds. Real easy point and click access. is an online storage service for all your files. Back up your files or just store them, and access your data anywhere. Probably my favourite site yet. Did I mention its free?

1 comment:

Leena An said...

I like what you said here. I especially agree with what you said about the experts. We do need to give them more credit !