Monday, October 20, 2008

Web 2.0

Web 2.0

1. Web 2.0 sets the expectations that the web is available to everybody. An average person is able to create and upload content to the web. Everything is organized and easy to understand. You no longer need to know how to read HTML and other computer codes. You simply log on and find what you're looking for.

2. On the internet, no one person owns the message. On Web 2.0, it is so easy to upload and post content to the internet that practically everybody can do it. Because of this, it is physically possible for anyone to get their message out.

3. Many people are uploading content to video, picture and blog sites. Some of these people get thousands of hits per day. Marketers can post ads on these sites and get their product or idea out to thousands of people.

4. Masses are better for expressing opinions while experts are better for facts. For example, by reading comments posted on pictures, videos and blogs, one can determine the different opinions of a number of people. However, the comments could not be considered facts. is a website for uploading videos to. It is like youtube except it is not blocked. It could have different commercials and videos that could be relevant to our class.

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