Sunday, October 19, 2008

Web 2.0

1. The expectation for the concept of Web 2.0 provides easy access to anyone who has Internet. This new concept allows anyone to use to web – not just specialists. It is quick and simple to use. People can access almost everything they please and can create their own sites which others would also be free to browse due to the simple formatting; instead of the old complicated ways of the web.

2. The message of the web would be owned by the person who created their site. Meaning, the possible host/administrator of the website, or whom posted the information or created the site.

3. Marketers can use this greatly to their advantage. Since everything is easily accessible, marketers can sponsor certain popular sites to get their advertisement or message onto that site. That way, whoever spots that certain site may see the advertisement or message as well.

4. Masses can be better than experts, and vice versa. Experts can help the web be more controlled and insure safe and secure information. Although, the downfall of that would be a less easy accessible, quick and free internet. People would be limited on what they want, and with experts controlling the web, the mass majority of people may not be as interested in the web. People go on the internet to seek freedom – not to be controlled once again by someone beyond them.

5. is a website that students could be able to use if they wish to email larger files to themselves. This would be helpful because Hotmail and many other email hosts limit you to a certain amount of memory that could be uploaded. With, students can send large files to themselves more easily from school to home, or just among friends.

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