Monday, October 20, 2008

Web 2.0

1. What expectations does the concept of web 2.0 set?
The expectations that the concept of web 2.0 sets are easy accessibility and vital information. It allows us to access nearly every website in mere seconds, without charging us a cent (that's where our parents come in handy!)

2. Who owns the message?
No one really owns “the message”, per se. It's like saying “Who owns opinions?” It sounds silly because it is; you can't label a certain thing and call it your own. You can share the message, but it's possible for other people to have the same opinion as you.

3. How can marketers use this to their advantage?
Marketers can use this to their advantage by putting forth their own opinions, no matter how blunt they are. They don't feel the need to be polite and censored because it's their opinion; it's not wrong or right, it just is. Sure, it might be a bit harsh and crude at times, but you can't really go up to them and say “I don't like your ad. It's mean.” For starters, they won't really care what you think, and also they have the right to give their own opinion.

4. Are “masses” better than “experts”?
It depends. Usually, masses aren't very accurate with their information, and post whatever they feel is right (which is wrong). Experts have more experience in that certain field, hence the term 'expert'. However, masses could have a really good opinion that actually makes sense and is relevant to the topic, whereas experts could base their opinion on baseless facts that were published in a very famous book, in which case their opinion 'has to be right'. It really depends on the way you look at it.

5. Using the website name and describe one website that you feel our class would benefit from using. Stickified is a service that will allow you to create images of sticky notes, that you can write on, and then update the writing. This is useful for emails, blog posts and forum posts, because it allows you to create a space that is updatable. This means that if you forget to include something in an email, or need to update the first post in a forum then you can simply login to your control panel and update the message on the sticky note. This would be useful in our class for test and assignment reminders.

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